The depth of a Fairytale is not Determined by the Title…

Bur rather the spaces between words, the breath between sentences, the pauses between chapters and the mysteries woven within and through it.

When we pick up a Book to read - it may be the title at first that attracts us...

But, it’s the moment of opening that book and the journey those pages take us on that is the most exciting part...

Just like our lives,

Our Individual Fairytales...

The Magic is in all our moments...

In our nows... ✨

In the spaces between this moment and the next

The breaths we take as we courageously choose to explore and experience all that this life has to offer…

The pause we allow ourselves to have while looking back in reverence for the old characters we have had to play and the chapters we have lived through... 

This life is about the mystery of turning the page and not knowing how it is all going to play out...

But, having unwavering hope in A Happily Ever After... 📖 💫

It’s about getting finished with one part of our lives... being grateful for the ‘read’ and closing that book

Re-inventing ourTitle’


writing a new book


creating the character we wish to play now...

As humans I see we really limit ourselves...

We place ourselves in a space and don’t feel we can ‘write a new ending’ or ‘pick a new character...’

Or…. even write an entirely new story for ourselves all together...

Well, I am writing this as a reminder that we can.

At any age

In any moment

No matter what...

You can 


You are

We are. 

Do not limit yourself or another by the titles they and we have played through our life.

This life is a library... 📚 

Choose to be a book in every section and don’t give a shit about what others think.

This is your Ultimate Fairytale Now,

write it the way you want to.


33 years on Earth – The Resurrection – The Surrender into the Quicksand

