Salvation is withIN the path of Independence of self.
This tattoo took me into one of the deepest realms I’ve ever fallen into.
My intention the moment I laid on the table was : to free myself - by going within myself, in order to find my true ‘self’. ( read that again haha )
In 2013, after my NDE - I laid in a hospital with almost every rib broken and my entire soul in pain.
I will never forget the ache I felt laying there.
I will never forget the feeling of helplessness.
Of brokenness.
As Sean started tattooing -
the needle hit my ribs,
my eyes slowly rolled into the back of my head,
and I was no longer ‘here.’
I was now on that hospital bed the night of November 11th 2013.
I could feel the tenderness of my ribs, the vacancy of air in my lungs,
the lack of saliva in my mouth...
I felt INTO the moment.
I surrendered into facing the shadow of what I had once created and all the ‘why’s’ of creating it.
Every move Sean made with that needle in the present moment was directly connected to me facing and reliving a painful memory years before.
I kept breathing through the density, heavy memories, trauma bonds, pain bodies, outdated Beliefs, limiting stories and stagnant energies that once defined my life.
I realized in the process of getting the word ‘salvation’ - that it took me into a divine transportation of dimensions.
It was as if I was traveling through the actual definition of the word. ( trippy.... I know ).
I realized the key to transmuting these energies and healing the world within myself was
‘radical allowance to open into the process.’
Without judgment.
Without fear.
Without attachment.
It’s funny because it sounds counter intuitive :
I had to open myself more to it all in order for things to fuse back together?
I needed to love the darkness MORE now because I was inside the memory of it?
I saw this was an opportunity to grow, to change my internal story,
To love myself deeper.
I knew I was getting this tattoo to find reverence for my journey.
I had the conscious choice to take back my power and reprogram my body,mind, heart and soul.
I allowed myself to fuse my ribs back together by loving the brokenness of them.
I found independence by recreating my own beliefs, by choosing healthy bonds, by not limiting myself, by healing my pain bodies, by reformatting what I define my life by.
Why share this today?
Every single one of us have the power to Heal ourselves.
We just have to be willing to open more and more to the internal world;
the shadows; the stories we may not be proud of, in order to find reverence for those moments and radically love them back to ourselves in order for them to fuse back together and heal.
That is how we embody.
That is how we become whole.
That is true independence.
When we start taking radical responsibility for our own healing.
Salvation is within us, not outside of us.
Independence is within us, not outside of us.
Please remember this.
Always & Forever,