Ms. Sunflower - A Short Story

Today, I walked by a sunflower who looked a bit ... broken hearted.

I stopped and asked her if I could tell her a little Fairytale.


Ms. Sunflower replied with an excited ‘yes!’

I went on to tell her about a young woman named Cass who once too had been wilted and frail.

I told her about all the moments Cass went through the dark nights and never thought she’d ever see the sun again.

I told her about all the moments Cass felt tired and as if she’d never find the courage or strength to bloom...

I read her chapters upon chapters of the journey Cass had been through in her life.

At one point Ms.Sunflower stopped me.

She looked up and said, ‘But wait! What happened in the end!?’

I smiled,

bent over,

kissed her gently on the cheek....

I looked deeply into Ms.Sunflowers eyes and said,

‘Cass realized it was never the end, it was always just the beginning. And, with that mindset she lived Happily Ever After.’

A ray from the sun made its way onto Ms. Sunflowers pedals.

She looked up,

closed her eyes and said;

‘Today, the story begins again.

I would say ‘The End’


I know this is just The Beginning

For you & For me. ‘ 👩🏻‍🌾 📖 🌻


Remember Little You - A daily reminder

