There is more to all of this.
There is more to this life than you see with your physical eye.
In this moment I ask you to please look at me.
What do you see?
Do you see a woman staring back at you with tattoos?
Do you see just a person wearing a scarf standing in a certain pose for the camera?
Or can you look deeper?
Can you look THROUGH the picture?
Can you feel deeper?
Can you come back to this moment as you are even reading these words…yes, you. Hello
Can you not just speed through these words but become completely aware that you are indeed reading, processing and creating them.
And, it is not the physical body that is comprehending,digesting or compiling these words, it is what is within the body that is processing all of this.
It is your heart in this now moment that is connecting to the words that I am writing because they are coming from the pure vibration of love which is just a mirror of you.
Now, I ask you to look at the picture again.
Can you look deeper?
Can you see through the picture?
Can you FEEL me?
Can you see my posture and feel the depth of the programming that my strength and stature was birthed from?
Can you feel into all the moments I have been knocked down through abuse, pain, suffering, loss etc. and consciously chosen to get back up again?
Can you feel how strong I have ‘chosen’ to be through this human experience in order to be here now?
Can you let go of YOUR story, your narratives and your judgements to become just the witness/reader of someone else’s?
( which is really just a part of your story)
Can you feel the resonance of my tattoos?
Have you even taken a moment to read them instead of just digesting them as ‘worldly’ tattoos?
And, when you do read them - can you FEEL the depth of the coded messages that met with this human body to deliver a message to my soul in order for me to keep remembering?
Can you look past me being a woman and feel into the knowing that I am just a reflection of you?
Can you look into my eyes and see through them?
Can you feel my desire to reach into your heart and safely hold you in this now moment?
Can you feel my frequency calling out to yours to remember?
To remember what?
That there is more,
There is more than what meets the physical eye.
We live in a quantum field.
We have to be willing to see through it all and into the world you, I and we come from.
The world that is unseen to the physical eye.
The place where we manifest all and dream infinitely.
The place we pull to build in this 3D world.
We have got to begin to remember in each now moment there is more to this entire game.
There is more to everything.
It’s not about looking deeper.
It is about seeing through what we see.
It is about trusting ourselves now to FEEL deeper into what we are seeing.
(Read that again) ^
You know your own power.
You have always known your own power.
This world will try to numb you, tame you, hypnotize you, tranquilize you and scare you. But, if you just place your hand on your heart and FEEL that frequency - you will and can always rememeber where the power is.
It is within you.
In the unseen.
It is time now to trust yourself more.
It is time now to look through the illusions.
It is time now to slow down and come back to your knowings.
It is time now to embrace your feelings.
Remember your feelings are unseen right?
Well, start with validating those...
and, I promise that the quantum field will become your mirror and start manifesting all your dreams and wishes.
Feel deeper now, it is time.
I love you now
I'll love you always,
your sister,